Creep Test


  1. Thickness of wire is measured and mean value is assumed.
  2. The temparature of the wire system is fixed using the apparatus.
  3. A box is used as a load and its mass and dimensions are measured.
  4. Every minute the extension in the wire is measured and the extension and time values are plotted on a graph.
  5. The resultant graph is the Extension-Time curve which is the property of a material.

Virtual Procedure

  1. Start the Experiment by clicking the play button.
  2. Observe the extension of the specimen wire in the simulation window.
  3. The value of extension at some intervals are noted.
  4. After a certain time the wire breaks and the final extension is observed.
  5. A graph is plotted between the Extension-Time values observed.
  6. The Experiment allows you to pause/play/restart the simulation to view the values of different parameters at every stage of simulation.

NOTE: There are various features available for the graphs such as zoom, etc. The function/feature of each icon above the graphs becomes visible upon hovering over the concerned icon.